
Our Milestones and Achievements

The Man is Clapping

40+ Years and We’re Still Shouting

More than 40 years ago, the McIntosh County Shouters were formed to bring the ring shout to the public. Over the years, we’ve shared the tradition with thousands of people in numerous school events, community festivals, and prestigious cultural institutions. We have received many honors and recognitions along the way. Here are just a few highlights from the McIntosh County Shouters timeline.

Group of Women is Singing

Other Special Performances

  • Music Explorers Program: The McIntosh County Shouters have shared the ring shout with 15,000 schoolchildren in partnership with the Savannah Music Festival and Carnegie Hall (2014, 2017, 2018, and 2022).

  • Wolf Trap National Park for the Performing Arts (D.C. area)

  • Festival International de Louisiane (Lafayette, LA): The McIntosh County Shouters shared the Gullah-Geechee culture and ring shout at this annual music and arts festival celebrating music and arts heritage.